Renovations of the boat

Refreshing of the cabin linings

Rafraîchissement des vaigrages voilier jybe

After the donation of this yacht, the interior of Noddi had remained "in its natural state". From the mattress covers to the upholstery, a refreshment was necessary. In this article we will focus on the upholstery. 

On trouvait sur Noddi différents types de vaigrages : de la moquette pour les parois verticales des chambres et des toilettes ainsi qu’un tissu blanc partout ailleurs. La moquette derrière les toilettes avait mauvaise mine. Nous décidons donc de décoller l’intégralité des vaigrages à l’exception du plafond du carré qui est encore en très bon état. Pour ceux qui n’ont jamais eu la chance de faire ce genre d’opération, on vous raconte ça.

Just like the rest, Noddi's roofs have been installed to last. It was quickly felt in the difficulty to remove them! We manage quite easily to take off the first layer with the woven weft. On the other hand, the bottom of the liners remains systematically stuck to the hull. It is then necessary to pass several times with the scraper that we had used outside to remove the remaining glue. The other techniques used did not work: sanding, acetone,...

Noddi dans son “jus”

In the middle of August and with 5 sweaty guys in the boat, we let you imagine the smell, the heat and the humidity. That prepares us for life along the equator, you might say! 

So that everyone can participate in the chore of removing the glue, we make ourselves homemade scrapers from plow parts, metal angles and some welding beads. This obliges us to sharpen the homemade blade regularly, but at 30€ a scraper we save a lot of money. 

Once the bulk is removed, a rotating wire brush is used with a drill and then several passes of sander. It's finally ready for painting.

Tools : Scraper, sander, wire brush

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